Danielle Reiss - Music Publicist and Music Business College Student Gets Fired from her PR Job for Going to a Donald Trump Rall

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Danielle Reiss is a music publicist and music business masters student at the prestigious Berklee College of Music.  In September of 2020, she started a new job as a publicist at the Po Off Agency and was fired a few weeks later for attending a rally for President Donald Trump. She might sound like a controversial guest, but in this conversation, you will learn that Danielle is someone that seems very sweet, kind, soft-spoken, someone with morals, and someone who gives back to her community and less fortunate people. She’s a hard worker and took a massive risk uprooting her life and moving to Nashville in 2016 with no job or college lined up to pursue her dream in country music. 

She worked several internships to gain experience to then encounter such a heartless totalitarian company that violates all of its own company values, which we will talk about in this episode. I’m not a Trump or Biden supporter, but this whole cancel culture and extreme censorship have gone too far. To fire someone for their political views is absolutely ridiculous, and totalitarian behavior. My fear is that it’s socially acceptable amongst our citizens to censor or cancel someone for being a Trump supporter and that eventually bleeding into our government and the country going down a path towards communism.

America is losing its classic liberals who always fight for the individual against the Government and against companies. Where have they gone? We need their genuine heart, kindness, empathy, and fearless fight for social liberty and justice. True equality and unity give conservative Christian women a seat at the table too. We need to fight for ALL voices, ALL the time. I pray after this election, we put an end to the division amongst our fellow citizens and stop allowing politicians and the mainstream media on both sides to get in between our social and economic liberty. United we will always be stronger! 

Shane Hazel - Libertarian Candidate for US Senate for the State of Georgia talking Music, Marketing, and Liberty

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You can also listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher |

When it comes to the 2020 Election, many are saying this is the most important election of our lives. I agree with that statement, but for completely different reasons. Most make it all about Donald Trump and getting him out of the white house, when really, what makes this election so important is our Liberty is at stake. Something nobody in mainstream media is talking about. Our daily lives, health, businesses, savings, investments, creative liberty, art, security, and future is at stake. Over the past 5 years I’ve been leaning towards the Liberty movement more and more each year. The Liberty movement, doesn’t necessarily mean Libertarian, even though most Libertarians will align with that. It means these are people from all walks of life, fighting for our social and economic freedom. 

Shane Hazel is one of those individuals out there fighting for our Liberty. He’s the Libertarian candidate running for the US Senate for the State of Georgia. In this conversation, we talk about music, marketing, and Liberty. We discuss his current campaign, and why he chose to run for Senate, different issues happening in our country and the Liberty solution to these issues, music, marketing, and much more. He has a podcast called Radical full of many amazing guests from all different walks of lives and political views to discuss Liberty, life, current events, and much more. 

To learn more about Shane Hazel visit  http://shanehazel.com/ and http://radicalpod.com/.

Highlights from this Episode
[5:50] First Memorable Concert 
[9:24] First Album 
[13:45] Becoming a Libertarian 
[16:45] Marketing strategy to reach voters 
[20:35] How a podcast has helped reach people 
[22:42] Using Restream for Podcasting 
[24:40] Content focused on Liberty 
[26:07] Inspiration to run for Senate 
[30:08] Credentials to run for Government 
[32:40] What can we do to get a multi-party system? 
[37:48] Top priorities running for Senate 
[40:18] The worse of the Duopoly and how Libertarians are different 
[45:20] Qualified Immunity 
[47:35] Average People Fighting against corrupt bills in Washington 
[55:20] Chances of Civil War and States Leaving the Union 
[01:01:33] Libertarian Stance on Human Rights
{01:03:35] Social Security and Elderly Feeling Safe

Quotes from Shane Hazel 
“Shut down the mainstream media. Stop listening to it...it’s not educating me it’s giving me talking points.” 
“People like authenticity.” 
“The more you Liberty, the more Liberty is coming right back at you. This is a crowd that feeds off of positivity.” 
“We gotta end the never-ending wars.” 
“It’s the hardest period in your life when you start divorcing yourself from all the friends that you had from one side of the duopoly.” 
“I believe the Democrats when they say that Trump is moving to the fascist route, and I believe the Republicans when they say the Democrats are moving the communist route...no thank you to both of them.” 
“One of the other differences with Liberty candidates. We’re gonna tell you don’t vote for the person if they don’t earn your vote, and that includes us.” 
“You as a single individual who may not have deep pockets, who doesn’t have a ton of time or anything can still make a difference.” 
“We don’t need a centralized anything at this point, and really to get away from it is one of the best things we can do to promote peace in our lifetime.” 
”You have a right to nature. As long as you’re not hurting somebody else.”
”We are the all your life, all your Liberty, all your property, all the damn time. You have a right to your rights, and nobody else has any power delegated to them to come and interfere with you at all.”

Links to people, places, and things mentioned
Chris Cornell 
Rage Against the Machine 
Guns N’ Roses 
Radical Podcast
Episode with Haley Wood 
Federalist Papers 
Anti-Federalist Papers 
U.S. Constitution 
Ryan Graham - LP President of Georgia
Ron Paul 
Ludwig Von Mises  
Murray Rothbard 
Tom Woods 
John Tayler Gotto 

Shane Hazel’s Definition of Making It:
”Being happy. If you’re happy, you got breath in your lungs, and you can sit there at the end of every day and say thanks for my life, my family, and my health.”

Get in touch with Shane Hazel 
YouTube | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter 

Keep in touch:

Host: Chris Goyzueta (Chris G.)
Producer: Jason Trosclair
Executive Producer: ONElive Creative Agency  
Music: Emily Kopp

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